While Zonnehaven, as an exporter, may not hold specific environmental certification, the company aligns itself with sustainable practices through its producers, who proudly possess the GlobalG.A.P (Good Agricultural Practice) Spring (Sustainable Program for Irrigation and Groundwater Use) certificate. This certification attests to the commitment of Zonnehaven’s individual producers to adhere to internationally recognised standards in their farming operations. The GlobalG.A.P Spring certificate signifies that these producers follow rigorous protocols for environmental stewardship, social responsibility and food safety. Zonnehaven places immense value on the integrity of its supply chain, ensuring that the fruit it exports are cultivated in a manner that meets or exceeds the stringent requirements set by the GlobalG.A.P certification.
By entrusting its producers with this certification, Zonnehaven not only ensures the delivery of high-quality, safe agricultural products but also indirectly communities with its dedication to sustainable and responsible farming practices. This approach reflects the company’s commitment to meeting market demands while uploading the principles of environmental responsibility and ethical production in the agricultural sector.